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Windows 10 - Black Screen upon boot-up, no cursor, - Microsoft Community

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Windows 10 black screen without cursor before login free download


I have a Dell laptop I recently upgraded to Windows 10, it worked perfectly on past startups with Windows 10 A. It showed the mouse cursor once after about ten minutes of waiting but after rebooting again it's gone. I don't want to do a clean or dirty install as I don't have any flash drives or CD's and my laptop doesn't have a disk drive anyways. Thank you for posting the query on Microsoft Community.

I am sorry to know that you are unable to perform a boot in your Computer. I do appreciate your efforts and time. Do not worry, will assist you with the issue. We have been seeing black screen issues of several types after upgrading to Windows The main causes observed so far are driver issues, output to unexpected port, and possibly also issues with the Lock Screen app. Please use these steps:.

If you see the black screen only after sign-in and you can see a mouse cursor:. If you see the black screen or have a flickering screen before sign-in :. Hope this helps in resolving the issue. If the issue persists, do get back to us. We will be happy to assist you. Was this reply helpful?

Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. Computer boots, see the blue windows logo on startup, I hear the login and startup but have a black screen with no cursor Interesting enough I found that if I put the computer into hibernate by pressing the power button, then pressing the power button to resume windows the desktop already logged on appears every time and computer is good until next restart I checked my drivers and display adapters etc..

Can someone help with this There are so many solutions for this problem, mine was no different. I tried most of the suggestions to no avail, so set about my own. Contrary to those who say remove the HMDI lead which I had never used in my laptop I decided that if it was a graphics driver problem; connecting the HDMI to my TV might be helpful, as it could be a graphics card not reading the laptop screen.

So that's what I did. After about five minutes seemed like an eternity I had a log in screen for the first time since the problem began after updating AMD and Windows 10 Windows update started up during the AMD driver update, and thereby hangs part of the problem methinks.

The IOS was wobbly to say the least. Programs would not run and my mouse took a holiday! But, I now had a login screen so used the Windows 10 Media repair and it seems to have done the trick. By the way, I believe the machine was working in the background, because the HD light was constantly flickering; that told me that it was more likely a graphics problem. The installation of the Media disk cleared up the AMD drivers and now everything works fine.

Hope this helps at least some of you. Threats include any threat of suicide, violence, or harm to another. Any content of an adult theme or inappropriate to a community web site. Any image, link, or discussion of nudity. Any behavior that is insulting, rude, vulgar, desecrating, or showing disrespect. Any behavior that appears to violate End user license agreements, including providing product keys or links to pirated software.

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I am having a similar issue with my Dell PC. I see the window's logo and the circle of dots to indicate that windows 10 is loading. Then I hear the windows start up sound but then I get a blank screen. My monitor goes into sleep mode as if nothing is inputting to it. I don't have an internal graphics card. I only have external AMD Radeon graphics cards.

The one that came with the PC tower and a bigger one. Details required : characters remaining Cancel Submit 1 person found this reply helpful. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. Nika Ketsu. Nothing worked. Help please? This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.

I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Previous Next. Hi Nika, Thank you for posting the query on Microsoft Community. Method 1 We have been seeing black screen issues of several types after upgrading to Windows If it becomes visible, try finding LockAppHost.

If this resolves the black screen, use corruption resolution steps dism, then sfc , and run the all apps PowerShell command in If you see the black screen or have a flickering screen before sign-in : Try connecting to different video outputs on the PC. Sometimes a change in driver can cause the video to be sent: To a different Adapter: from integrated graphics to a discrete card or vice versa.

Try to boot into Safe Mode with Networking or Enable low-resolution video. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to A. User's post on August 5, In reply to Robowave's post on August 8, Same here. If I shut it down cold, then I get the repair boot,where I can try to get into safe mode. Safe mode works, but without networking. Only one display adapter.

Cant't roll back driver. I'm having the same issue with Windows 10 Computer boots, see the blue windows logo on startup, I hear the login and startup but have a black screen with no cursor I have the same problem. I think the black screen with no curser, is related to the battery.

I can remove the battery while the laptop is showing black screen with no curser, then replace the battery. Push power and it boots! Ive had it boot ok several times, then need to repeat. Signed, irritated!!! Roz de-Layen Vian. In reply to TroyDanDurand's post on September 20, I've tried the windows key p trick but can't get that to work no matter how many times I try. Additionally, I cannot get into windows therefore I cannot boot it into safe mode.

Please help! In reply to JeremiahSingleton's post on May 13, Mine is the same issue, I see the windows logo but then goes black Every boot I have to press the sleep button and then resume windows so screen appears None of the other tricks work for me. This site in other languages x.



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    While at the black screen, try using CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to start Task Manager. If it becomes visible, try finding on the Details tab and ending the. › watch.

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